The Sweetheart’s Bliss Bouquet is a captivating arrangement of 50 vibrant red roses, symbolizing deep love, passion, and affection. This luxurious bouquet is the ultimate expression of your heartfelt emotions, making it the perfect Valentine’s Day gift to convey your devotion and admiration. A timeless gesture of love, beautifully crafted for the one you cherish most. Celebrate love with Flowrista!
The Sweetheart’s Bliss Bouquet | 50 Red Rose
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Care Tips
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with timeless elegance
Gift Contents:
- 50 red roses
Express your love with a gift that speaks of elegance, romance, and enduring memories.
Depending on the season and blooming stages, colors and sizes may vary from the images displayed.
70 cm/V
40 cm/H
one size - EGP 5233.00
How to preserve roses:
- Trim Stems: Cut at least half an inch from the stems before placing in the vase and whenever changing water
- Change Water: Refill frequently and replace completely every 2-3 days
- Keep Cool: Store away from heat and direct sunlight
- Remove Wilting Flowers: Take out any dead or wilting flowers
- Note: Proper care can keep flowers fresh for up to 7 days